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Civilisations & empires

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  • French Algeria

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  • French Fourth République

  • French Monarchy

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  • French constitutions

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  • French Third Republic

  • French Wars of Religion

  • Georges Clemenceau

  • Government of Vichy France

  • Great moments

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  • Inquisition

  • Iran before 1979

  • Iranian Revolution

  • Italian unification

  • Jean Moulin

  • Jim Crow Laws

  • July Monarchy in France

  • Knights Templar

  • Legislative Assembly in France

  • Magna Carta

  • March on Washington

  • Martin Luther King & Civil rights

  • Martin Luther King Jr. Assassination

  • May 68 in France

  • McCarthyism

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  • Slavery

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  • Soviet Union

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  • The Fronde

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  • The Prague Spring

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  • Weimar Republic

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  • Alexander the Great

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  • Ataturk

  • Augustus

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  • Benito Mussolini

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  • Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor

  • Cleopatra

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  • Emir Abdelkader

  • Emmanuel Macron

  • Fidel Castro

  • Francis I of France

  • François Hollande

  • François Mitterrand

  • Franklin D. Roosevelt

  • Frederick Douglass

  • Gamal Abdel Nasser

  • Gandhi

  • George Washington

  • Georges Clemenceau

  • Georges Pompidou

  • Giuseppe Garibaldi

  • Henri IV of France

  • Henry Kissinger

  • Hồ Chí Minh

  • Ivan the Terrible

  • Jacques Chirac

  • James Cook

  • Jean Jaurès

  • Joan of Arc

  • Joe Biden

  • John F. Kennedy

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  • Julius Caesar

  • Konrad Adenauer

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  • Léon Blum

  • Leon Trotsky

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  • Louis XIV of France

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  • Northern Crusades

  • Marie Antoinette

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  • Muhammad Ali Pasha

  • Napoleon Bonaparte

  • Nelson Mandela

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  • Otto von Bismarck

  • Pericles

  • Peter the Great

  • Philip II of Spain

  • Pierre Mendès France

  • Pocahontas

  • Queen Elizabeth II

  • Recep Tayyip Erdoğan

  • Richard I of England

  • Richard Nixon

  • Ronald Reagan

  • Saladin

  • Simon Bolívar

  • Spartacus

  • T. E. Lawrence

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  • Thomas Jefferson

  • Valéry Giscard d'Estaing

  • Vladimir Putin

  • Winston Churchill

  • Woodrow Wilson

  • Xi Jinping

  • Yasser Arafat

  • Yitzhak Rabin

Wars & diplomacy

  • 1930s and the Road to WWII

  • 1948 Arab–Israeli War

  • 1982 Lebanon War

  • 1989 & the fall of Communism

  • Age of Discovery

  • Albigensian Crusade

  • Algerian War

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  • Battle of Verdun

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  • D-Day : Normandy landings

  • De Gaulle and the Algerian War

  • De Gaulle and the decolonization

  • Decolonizations

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  • Divided Germany

  • East African campaign

  • Eastern Front in WW2

  • Espionage

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  • First Indochina War

  • Free France

  • French campaign in Egypt & Syria

  • French Foreign Legion

  • French Revolutionary Wars

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  • Great naval battles

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  • Hundred Years' War

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  • Six-Day War

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  • Spanish-American War

  • Suez crisis & Sinai war

  • Syrian Civil War

  • Terrorism

  • The Arab Spring

  • The Crusades

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  • The french resistance

  • The great french battles

  • The Holocaust

  • Thirty Years War

  • Treaty of Versailles

  • Unification of Germany

  • United Nations

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  • War in the Vendée

  • War of 1812

  • Wars of the Roses

  • Western Sahara conflict

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  • Alexander Pushkin

  • Alexandre Dumas

  • Alfred de Musset

  • Alfred de Vigny

  • Alice Walker

  • Alphonse de Lamartine

  • Alternate history

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  • André Gide

  • André Malraux

  • Annie Ernaux

  • Anthony Burgess

  • Antoine Blondin

  • Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

  • Anton Chekhov

  • Arabic literature

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  • Arthur Koestler

  • Arthur Miller

  • Arthur Rimbaud

  • Arundhati Roy

  • Baroque Literature

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  • Beat Generation

  • Beaumarchais

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  • Boileau

  • Boris Pasternak

  • Bossuet

  • Bret Easton Ellis

  • C. S. Lewis

  • Carlos Fuentes

  • Charles Dickens

  • Charles Péguy

  • Charlotte Brontë

  • Chateaubriand

  • Chinua Achebe

  • Classicism in literature

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  • Colette

  • Contemporary poetry

  • Contemporary literature

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  • Czeslaw Milosz

  • D. H. Lawrence

  • Dante Alighieri

  • David Grossman

  • Doris Lessing

  • Dr Seuss

  • Early literary cultures

  • Edgar Allan Poe

  • Elsa Morante

  • Emmanuel Carrère

  • Émile Zola

  • Emily Dickinson

  • Epidemics in Literature

  • Erich Maria Remarque

  • Ernest Hemingway

  • Erotica

  • Eugène Ionesco

  • F. Scott Fitzgerald

  • Fantasy Literature

  • Federico García Lorca

  • Fernando Pessoa

  • Flannery O'Connor

  • François Mauriac

  • Francois Rabelais

  • Françoise Sagan

  • Franz Kafka

  • Frédéric Mistral

  • French literature

  • Fyodor Dostoevsky

  • Gabriel García Márquez

  • Gabriele D'Annunzio

  • George Bernard Shaw

  • George Eliot

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  • George R. R. Martin

  • George Sand

  • Georges Bataille

  • Georges Bernanos

  • Georges Perec

  • Georges Simenon

  • German literature

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  • Goethe

  • Gore Vidal

  • Graham Greene

  • Guillaume Apollinaire

  • Günter Grass

  • Gustave Flaubert

  • Guy de Maupassant

  • H. P. Lovecraft

  • Hans Christian Andersen

  • Haruki Murakami

  • Heinrich Böll

  • Henri Michaux

  • Henrik Ibsen

  • Henry de Montherlant

  • Henry James

  • Henry Miller

  • Herman Melville

  • Hermann Hesse

  • Honoré de Balzac

  • Hussards

  • Ian Fleming

  • Ian McEwan

  • Iconic books by country

  • Iris Murdoch

  • Isaac Asimov

  • Isaac Bashevis Singer

  • Israeli Literature

  • Italian Literature

  • Italo Calvino

  • Ivan Turgenev

  • J. D. Salinger

  • J. K. Rowling

  • J. M. Coetzee

  • J. M. G. Le Clézio

  • Jack Kerouac

  • Jack London

  • Jacques Laurent

  • James Baldwin

  • James Ellroy

  • James Joyce

  • Jane Austen

  • Jean Cocteau

  • Jean d'Ormesson

  • Jean de La Fontaine

  • Jean Echenoz

  • Jean Genet

  • Jean Giono

  • Jean Giraudoux

  • Jean Racine

  • Jewish littérature

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  • John Dos Passos

  • John Fante

  • John Irving

  • John le Carré

  • John R. R. Tolkien

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  • John Updike

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  • Jorge Luis Borges

  • José Saramago

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  • Joseph Kessel

  • Joseph Roth

  • Joyce Carol Oates

  • Jules Verne

  • Julien Gracq

  • Julio Cortázar

  • Karen Blixen

  • Kenzaburo Oe

  • Knut Hamsun

  • La Bruyère

  • La Pléiade

  • Latin American Boom

  • Latin American literature

  • Leo Tolstoy

  • Lewis Carroll

  • Literary movements

  • Literature of England

  • Lord Byron

  • Louis Aragon

  • Louis-Ferdinand Céline

  • Lu Xun

  • Luigi Pirandello

  • Luis Sepulveda

  • Madame de La Fayette

  • Mahmoud Darwish

  • Marcel Aymé

  • Marcel Pagnol

  • Marcel Proust

  • Marguerite Duras

  • Marguerite Yourcenar

  • Mario Vargas Llosa

  • Marivaux

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  • Martin Walser

  • Maryse Condé

  • Masterpieces of Humanity

  • Masterpieces of Literature

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  • Maurice Genevoix

  • Maxim Gorky

  • Medieval literature

  • Michel Déon

  • Michel Houellebecq

  • Michel Tournier

  • Miguel Ángel Asturias

  • Miguel de Cervantes

  • Mikhail Bulgakov

  • Milan Kundera

  • Molière

  • Murasaki Shikibu

  • Nadine Gordimer

  • Naguib Mahfouz

  • Nathalie Sarraute

  • Nathaniel Hawthorne

  • Naturalism in literature

  • Negritude Movement

  • Nikolai Gogol

  • Nobel Prize in Literature

  • Norman Mailer

  • Nouveau Roman

  • Novels about the Mediterranean Sea

  • Octavio Paz

  • Orhan Pamuk

  • Oscar Wilde

  • Pablo Neruda

  • Parnassianism

  • Patricia Highsmith

  • Patrick Modiano

  • Patrick White

  • Paul Auster

  • Paul Claudel

  • Paul Morand

  • Paul Nizan

  • Paul Valéry

  • Paul Verlaine

  • Peter Handke

  • Philip K Dick

  • Philip Roth

  • Philippe Sollers

  • Pierre Boulle

  • Pierre Corneille

  • Plays and theatre

  • Poetry

  • Prosper Mérimée

  • Rabindranath Tagore

  • Rainer Maria Rilke

  • Ralph Ellison

  • Ray Bradbury

  • Raymond Chandler

  • Realism in literature

  • René Char

  • Richard Wright

  • Roald Dahl

  • Robert Frost

  • Robert Louis Stevenson

  • Robert Musil

  • Roger Caillois

  • Roger Nimier

  • Romain Gary

  • Romanticism in Literature

  • Ronsard

  • Rudyard Kipling

  • Russel Banks

  • Russian Literature

  • Saint-John Perse

  • Saint-Simon

  • Salman Rushdie

  • Samuel Beckett

  • Saul Bellow

  • Scandinavian literature

  • Shmuel Yosef Agnon

  • Sinclair Lewis

  • Spanish literature

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  • Stendhal

  • Stéphane Mallarmé

  • Stephen King

  • Surrealism in literature

  • Symbolism in Literature

  • T. S. Eliot

  • Taras Shevchenko

  • Tennessee Williams

  • The Lost Generation

  • The Prix Goncourt

  • Théophile Gautier

  • Thomas Mann

  • Tom Wolfe

  • Toni Morrison

  • Truman Capote

  • Upton Sinclair

  • V. S. Naipaul

  • Victor Hugo

  • Virgil

  • Virginia Woolf

  • Vladimir Nabokov

  • Voltaire

  • W. B. Yeats

  • Walt Whitman

  • William Boyd

  • William Faulkner

  • William Shakespeare

  • Wole Soyinka

  • Yasunari Kawabata

  • Yukio Mishima


  • Adam Smith

  • African-American culture

  • Age of Enlightenment

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  • Albert Londres

  • Allan Bloom

  • Amartya Sen

  • Annales school

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  • Augustine of Hippo

  • Ayn Rand

  • Bernard Stiegler

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  • Carl Jung

  • Catholic Thought

  • Chronicles from the Middle age

  • Claude Lévi-Strauss

  • David Hume

  • Death in the History

  • Declarations and manifestos

  • Denis Diderot

  • Economic liberalism

  • Economics Books

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  • Edmund Burke

  • Edmund Husserl

  • Edward Gibbon

  • Edward Said

  • Elias Canetti

  • Emil Cioran

  • Emile Durkheim

  • Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie

  • Emmanuel Lévinas

  • Encyclopedia

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  • François Furet

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  • Gilles Deleuze

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  • Henri Pirenne

  • Herodotus

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  • Historians of The French Revol.

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  • John Maynard Keynes

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  • John Stuart Mill

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  • Jules Michelet

  • Jürgen Habermas

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  • Karl Popper

  • Legacy of the slavery

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  • Ludwig Wittgenstein

  • Machiavelli

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  • Memory of the World war I

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  • Michel Serres

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  • Nonviolence

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  • Palestinian memories

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  • Paul Veyne

  • Philippe Ariès

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  • Pierre Vidal-Naquet

  • Plato

  • Political science

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  • Proudhon

  • Psychology

  • Raymond Aron

  • Realms of Memory: The French Past

  • Renaissance humanism

  • Rene Descartes

  • René Girard

  • Richard Rorty

  • Roland Barthes

  • Sigmund Freud

  • Simone de Beauvoir

  • Simone Weil

  • Socialism and workers movement

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  • Søren Kierkegaard

  • Spinoza

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  • Thinkers of European construction

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  • Thomas Hobbes

  • Thomas Malthus

  • Thomas Paine

  • Thucydides

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  • Vladimir Jankélévitch

  • Walter Benjamin

  • William F. Buckley Jr.

  • World history

  • Zbigniew Brzezinski


  • Abstract art

  • Alberto Giacometti

  • Alfred Sisley

  • Amedeo Modigliani

  • Andy Warhol

  • Annie Leibovitz

  • Architecture

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  • Auguste Rodin

  • Balthus

  • Berthe Morisot

  • Bruegel

  • Camille Claudel

  • Camille Pissarro

  • Caravaggio

  • Claude Monet

  • Cubism

  • Diego Velazquez

  • Edgar Degas

  • Édouard Manet

  • Edvard Munch

  • Edward Hopper

  • Egon Schiele

  • El Greco

  • Epidemics in Art

  • Eugène Delacroix

  • Expressionism

  • Fauvism

  • Fine Arts places

  • Francis Bacon

  • Francisco Goya

  • Frida Kahlo

  • George Grosz

  • Georges Braque

  • Georges-Pierre Seurat

  • Gian Lorenzo Bernini

  • Giotto di Bondone

  • Giuseppe Arcimboldo

  • Grant Wood

  • Gustav Klimt

  • Gustave Courbet

  • Henri Cartier-Bresson

  • Henri Matisse

  • Henri Rousseau

  • Hieronymus Bosch

  • Iconic pictures

  • Impressionism

  • Ingres

  • Jackson Pollock

  • Jacques-Louis David

  • Jan van Eyck

  • Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot

  • Jean-Honoré Fragonard

  • Jean-Michel Basquiat

  • Joan Miró

  • Johannes Vermeer

  • Kazimir Malevich

  • Le Corbusier

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  • Man Ray

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  • Marcel Duchamp

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  • Masterpiece of Art

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  • Medieval art

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  • Niki de Saint Phalle

  • Norman Rockwell

  • Pablo Picasso

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  • Parmigianino

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  • Paul Gauguin

  • Paul Klee

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  • Piet Mondrian

  • Pop art

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  • Rembrandt van Rijn

  • Renaissance

  • René Magritte

  • Robert Capa

  • Robert Doisneau

  • Romanticism in painting

  • Roy Lichtenstein

  • Salvador Dalí

  • Sandro Botticelli

  • Sculpture

  • Spanish Colonial Revival

  • Surrealism in painting

  • The Bauhaus

  • Théodore Géricault

  • Thomas Gainsborough

  • Tintoretto

  • Titian

  • Toulouse-Lautrec

  • Typefaces & Fonts

  • Vincent van Gogh

  • Wassily Kandinsky

  • William Turner

  • Yves Klein

Cities & regions

  • Abidjan

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  • History of cities

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  • Polar regions

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  • Sarajevo

  • Sardinia

  • Seattle

  • Seoul

  • Seville

  • Shanghai

  • Sicily

  • Siena

  • Silicon Valley

  • Singapore

  • Sofia

  • Southeast Asia

  • Stockholm

  • Strasbourg

  • Sydney

  • Syracuse

  • Taipei

  • Tehran

  • Tel Aviv-Yafo

  • Texas

  • Timbuktu

  • Tokyo

  • Toronto

  • Toulon

  • Toulouse

  • Trieste

  • Trondheim

  • Troyes

  • Tunis

  • Turin

  • U.S. states

  • United States cities

  • Valencia

  • Vancouver

  • Venice

  • Verona

  • Vienna

  • Virginia

  • Warsaw

  • Washington D.C.

  • Zagreb


  • Afghanistan

  • Algeria

  • Australia

  • Baltic states

  • Brazil

  • Canada

  • China

  • Cuba

  • England

  • Ethiopia

  • France

  • Germany

  • India

  • Ireland

  • Israel

  • Italy

  • Japan

  • Kazakhstan

  • Lebanon

  • Madagascar

  • Mexico

  • Modern Greece

  • Morocco

  • Pakistan

  • Poland

  • Portugal

  • Russia

  • Scandinavia

  • Scotland

  • South Africa

  • Spain

  • Tibet

  • Turkey

  • Ukraine

  • United States


  • 7 Wonders of the Ancient World

  • Airports

  • Basilicas

  • Bridges

  • British museum

  • Castles

  • Cathedrals

  • Centre Pompidou

  • Châteaux of the Loire Valley

  • Churches

  • Columbia University

  • De Young Museum

  • Fondation Maeght

  • Forbidden City

  • Galleria Borghese

  • Galleria dell'Accademia

  • Getty Center

  • Great Wall of China

  • Harvard university

  • Hermitage museum

  • Historical monuments (France)

  • Israel Museum

  • Kunsthistorisches Museum

  • La Scala

  • Libraries

  • Library of Congress

  • Louvre Museum

  • Madison Square Garden

  • MIT

  • Monuments

  • Mosques

  • Musée d'Orsay

  • Musée de l'Orangerie

  • Museo del Prado

  • Museum of Modern Art

  • Museums

  • New7Wonders of the World

  • Opera Houses

  • Palace of the Legion of Honor

  • Palace of Versailles

  • Palaces

  • Princeton

  • Pyramids

  • Rijksmuseum

  • Sciences Po Aix


  • Skyscrapers

  • Sorbonne University

  • Stadiums

  • Stanford University

  • Tate Britain

  • Tate Modern

  • The Académie Française

  • The Art Institute of Chicago

  • The Collège de France

  • The Metropolitan Museum of Art

  • The National Gallery

  • The National Gallery of Art

  • The White House

  • Theaters

  • UC Berkeley

  • UCLA

  • Uffizi Galleries

  • UNESCO World Heritage List

  • Universities

  • University of Cambridge

  • University of Chicago

  • University of Oxford

  • US Capitols

  • Van Gogh Museum

  • Vatican Museums

  • Yale University


  • Abbas Kiarostami

  • Abel Gance

  • Academy awards

  • Agnès Varda

  • Akira Kurosawa

  • Al Pacino

  • Alain Delon

  • Alain Resnais

  • Alan Parker

  • Alfred Hitchcock

  • André Téchiné

  • Andrzej Wajda

  • Animated Movies

  • Anthony Hopkins

  • Anthony Mann

  • Anthony Quinn

  • Arnold Schwarzenegger

  • Arthur Penn

  • Audrey Hepburn

  • Ava Gardner

  • Barry Levinson

  • Baz Luhrmann

  • Bette Davis

  • Billy Wilder

  • Bollywood

  • Brad Pitt

  • Brian De Palma

  • Brigitte Bardot

  • Bruce Lee

  • Bruce Willis

  • Burt Lancaster

  • Buster Keaton

  • Cannes Festival

  • Cary Grant

  • Cate Blanchett

  • Catherine Deneuve

  • Cecil B. DeMille

  • Charlie Chaplin

  • Charlize Theron

  • Charlton Heston

  • Christopher Nolan

  • Clark Gable

  • Claude Chabrol

  • Claude Lelouch

  • Claude Sautet

  • Claudia Cardinale

  • Clint Eastwood

  • Coen Brothers

  • Costa-Gavras

  • Crime movies

  • D. W. Griffith

  • Daniel Day-Lewis

  • Danny Boyle

  • David Fincher

  • David Lean

  • David Lynch

  • Denzel Washington

  • Diane Keaton

  • Dino Risi

  • Douglas Fairbanks

  • Dustin Hoffman

  • Elia Kazan

  • Elizabeth Taylor

  • Emir Kusturica

  • Emma Watson

  • Ernst Lubitsch

  • Errol Flynn

  • Ettore Scola

  • Faye Dunaway

  • Federico Fellini

  • Francis Ford Coppola

  • François Truffaut

  • Frank Capra

  • Fred Astaire

  • Fred Zinnemann

  • French Movies

  • French New Wave

  • Fritz Lang

  • Gary Cooper

  • Gene Hackman

  • George Clooney

  • George Cukor

  • Georges Lucas

  • Gérard Depardieu

  • Gérard Oury

  • Giuseppe De Santis

  • Grace Kelly

  • Greatest American films

  • Gregory Peck

  • Greta Garbo

  • Guillermo del Toro

  • Harrison Ford

  • Harvey Keitel

  • Henri Verneuil

  • Henry Fonda

  • History in movies

  • Howard Hawks

  • Humphrey Bogart

  • Ingmar Bergman

  • Ingrid Bergman

  • Isabelle Adjani

  • Isabelle Huppert

  • Italian movies

  • Jack Lemmon

  • Jack Nicholson

  • Jacques Tati

  • James Bond

  • James Cameron

  • James Stewart

  • Jane Fonda

  • Jean Gabin

  • Jean Renoir

  • Jean Seberg

  • Jean-Luc Godard

  • Jean-Paul Belmondo

  • Jean-Pierre Melville

  • Jean-Paul Rappeneau

  • Jeanne Moreau

  • Jennifer Aniston

  • Jeremy Irons

  • Joan Crawford

  • Jodie Foster

  • John Cassavetes

  • John Ford

  • John Huston

  • John Sturges

  • John Travolta

  • John Wayne

  • John Woo

  • Johnny Depp

  • Josef von Sternberg

  • Joseph Losey

  • Judy Garland

  • Julia Roberts

  • Juliette Binoche

  • Kate Winslet

  • Katharine Hepburn

  • Keanu Reeves

  • Kevin Costner

  • King Vidor

  • Kirk Douglas

  • Lana Turner

  • Laurel and Hardy

  • Lauren Bacall

  • Leonardo DiCaprio

  • Lino Ventura

  • Liza Minnelli

  • Louis de Funès

  • Louis Malle

  • Luchino Visconti

  • Luis Bunuel

  • Marcel Carné

  • Marcello Mastroianni

  • Margot Robbie

  • Marilyn Monroe

  • Marlene Dietrich

  • Marlon Brando

  • Martin Scorsese

  • Marx Brothers

  • Matt Damon

  • Maurice Pialat

  • Max Ophüls

  • Mel Gibson

  • Meryl Streep

  • Michael Caine

  • Michael Cimino

  • Michael Curtiz

  • Michael Douglas

  • Michel Bouquet

  • Michel Piccoli

  • Michel Serrault

  • Michelangelo Antonioni

  • Mike Nichols

  • Milos Forman

  • Montgomery Clift

  • Morgan Freeman

  • Musical films

  • Nanni Moretti

  • Natalie Portman

  • Natalie Wood

  • New Hollywood

  • Nicole Kidman

  • Oliver Stone

  • Olivia de Havilland

  • Orson Welles

  • Otto Preminger

  • Patrick Dewaere

  • Paul Newman

  • Pedro Almodóvar

  • Penélope Cruz

  • Peter Jackson

  • Peter Weir

  • Philippe de Broca

  • Philippe Noiret

  • Pier Paolo Pasolini

  • Pierre Schoendoerffer

  • Pixar

  • Political Films

  • Quentin Tarantino

  • Raoul Walsh

  • Richard Gere

  • Ridley Scott

  • Rita Hayworth

  • Robert Altman

  • Robert De Niro

  • Robert Mitchum

  • Robert Redford

  • Robert Wise

  • Robert Zemeckis

  • Roberto Rossellini

  • Robin Williams

  • Roman Polanski

  • Romy Schneider

  • Ron Howard

  • Sally Field

  • Sam Mendes

  • Sam Peckinpah

  • Samuel L. Jackson

  • Scarlett Johansson

  • Science fiction

  • Sean Connery

  • Sean Penn

  • Serge Eisenstein

  • Sergio Leone

  • Sharon Stone

  • Sidney Lumet

  • Sidney Poitier

  • Silent Films

  • Simone Signoret

  • Sophia Loren

  • Spencer Tracy

  • Spike Lee

  • Stanley Kubrick

  • Steve McQueen

  • Steven Spielberg

  • Susan Sarandon

  • Sydney Pollack

  • Sylvester Stallone

  • Terrence Malick

  • Tex Avery

  • The Monty Python

  • Tim Burton

  • Tom Cruise

  • Tom Hanks

  • Tony Curtis

  • Venice Film Festival

  • Victor Fleming

  • Vietnam War films

  • Vincente Minnelli

  • Vittorio De Sica

  • Vittorio Gassman

  • Vivien Leigh

  • Walt Disney

  • War movies

  • Western Movies

  • Will Smith

  • William Wyler

  • Wim Wenders

  • Woody Allen

  • World war II movies

  • Yul Brynner

  • Yves Montand

  • Yves Robert


  • Aaron Copland

  • ABBA

  • AC/DC

  • Adele

  • African music

  • Alain Bashung

  • Alicia Keys

  • Amy Winehouse

  • Andy Williams

  • Arcade Fire

  • Arctic Monkeys

  • Aretha Franklin

  • B.B. King

  • Barbara

  • Barbra Streisand

  • Béla Bartók

  • Benny Goodman

  • Bertrand Tavernier

  • Beyoncé

  • Bill Evans

  • Bill Monroe

  • Billie Holiday

  • Billy Joel

  • Bing Crosby

  • Blues

  • Bob Dylan

  • Bob Marley

  • Bobby Darin

  • Boris Vian

  • Bossa nova

  • Britney Spears

  • Bruce Springsteen

  • Bruno Mars

  • Bryan Adams

  • Buddy Holly

  • Burt Bacharach

  • Carlos Santana

  • Celine Dion

  • Charles Aznavour

  • Charles Mingus

  • Charles Trenet

  • Charlie Parker

  • Cher

  • Chuck Berry

  • Civil rights in music

  • Classical music

  • Claude Debussy

  • Claudio Monteverdi

  • Coldplay

  • Concerts at Wembley

  • Count Basie

  • Country music

  • C. Clearwater Revival

  • Crosby, Stills, Nash & Y.

  • Daft Punk

  • Dave Brubeck

  • David Bowie

  • David Crosby

  • Dean Martin

  • Depeche Mode

  • Diana Ross

  • Dire Straits

  • Disco music

  • Dizzy Gillespie

  • Dolly Parton

  • Doo-Wop

  • Drake

  • Duke Ellington

  • Eartha Kitt

  • Ed Sheeran

  • Edith Piaf

  • Ella Fitzgerald

  • Elton John

  • Elvis Costello

  • Elvis Presley

  • Eminem

  • Ennio Morricone

  • Eric Burdon & The Animals

  • Eric Clapton

  • Fats Domino

  • Fleetwood Mac

  • Folk Music

  • Foo Fighters

  • Frank Sinatra

  • Frank Zappa

  • Frankie Valli & the Four Seasons

  • Franz Liszt

  • Franz Schubert

  • Frédéric Chopin

  • French touch

  • Genesis

  • George F. Handel

  • George Gershwin

  • Georges Bizet

  • Georges Brassens

  • Giacomo Puccini

  • Giuseppe Verdi

  • Glen Campbell

  • Glenn Gould

  • Glenn Miller

  • Grateful Dead

  • Green Day

  • Guns N' Roses

  • Gustav Mahler

  • Hank Williams

  • Hans Zimmer

  • Harry Belafonte

  • Hector Berlioz

  • Herbie Hancock

  • Hip Hop

  • Howlin' Wolf

  • Igor Stravinsky

  • Jacques Brel

  • Jacques Dutronc

  • James Brown

  • Janis Joplin

  • Jay-Z

  • Jazz

  • Jean Ferrat

  • Jean Sibelius

  • Jean-Baptiste Lully

  • Jean-Jacques Goldman

  • Jeff Buckley

  • Jefferson Airplane

  • Jennifer Lopez

  • Jerry Lee Lewis

  • Jimi Hendrix

  • Joan Baez

  • Joe Cocker

  • Joe Dassin

  • Johann Sebastian Bach

  • Johann Strauss I

  • Johann Strauss II

  • Placido Domingo

  • Johannes Brahms

  • John Barry

  • John Coltrane

  • John Denver

  • John Lennon

  • John Williams

  • Johnny Cash

  • Johnny Hallyday

  • Joni Mitchell

  • Joseph Haydn

  • Josephine Baker

  • Juliette Gréco

  • Justin Bieber

  • Justin Timberlake

  • Kanye West

  • Katy Perry

  • Kenny Rogers

  • Keziah Jones

  • Kristoffer Kristofferson

  • Lady Gaga

  • Lalo Schifrin

  • Led Zeppelin

  • Léo Ferré

  • Leonard Bernstein

  • Leonard Cohen

  • Linda Ronstadt

  • Little Richard

  • Live concerts

  • Louis Armstrong

  • Luciano Pavarotti

  • Ludwig van Beethoven

  • Madonna

  • Maria Callas

  • Mariah Carey

  • Maroon 5

  • Marvin Gaye

  • Maurice Chevalier

  • Metallica

  • Michael Jackson

  • Michel Polnareff

  • Michel Sardou

  • Miles Davis

  • Miley Cyrus

  • Montreux Jazz Festival

  • Movie soundtracks

  • Muddy Waters

  • Muse

  • Nat King Cole

  • Neil Diamond

  • Neil Young

  • Niccolò Paganini

  • Nina Simone

  • Nino Rota

  • Nirvana

  • Norah Jones

  • Oasis

  • Operas

  • Oscar Peterson

  • Otis Redding

  • Patti Smith

  • Paul Anka

  • Paul McCartney

  • Pete Seeger

  • Peter Gabriel

  • Peter, Paul and Mary

  • Pharrell Williams

  • Phil Collins

  • Pierre Boulez

  • Pink Floyd

  • Placebo

  • Prince

  • Public Enemy

  • Punk rock

  • Queen

  • Quincy Jones

  • R.E.M.

  • Radiohead

  • Ray Charles

  • Red Hot Chili Peppers

  • Richard Wagner

  • Richard Strauss

  • Rihanna

  • Robert Schumann

  • Rock & Roll Hall of Fame

  • Rock Music

  • Rod Stewart

  • Roxy Music

  • Roy Orbison

  • Samba

  • Sammy Davis, Jr.

  • Serge Gainsbourg

  • Sergei Rachmaninoff

  • Shakira

  • Sidney Bechet

  • Simon & Garfunkel

  • Simple Minds

  • Sonny Rollins

  • Soul music

  • Stan Getz

  • Stevie Wonder

  • Sting

  • Summer hits

  • Summer of Love

  • Supertramp

  • Taylor Swift

  • Tchaikovsky

  • The Beach Boys

  • The Beatles

  • The Bee Gees

  • The Byrds

  • The Carpenters

  • The Clash

  • The Cure

  • The Doors

  • The Eagles

  • The Everly Brothers

  • The Kinks

  • The Mamas & Papas

  • The Obama playlist

  • The Platters

  • The Police

  • The Rolling stones

  • The Smashing Pumpkins

  • The Temptations

  • The Velvet Underground

  • The Who

  • Thelonious Monk

  • Tina Turner

  • Tom Jones

  • Tom Petty

  • Tom Waits

  • Tony Bennett

  • U2

  • Umm Kulthum

  • Usher

  • Van Morrison

  • Vincenzo Bellini

  • Whitney Houston

  • Willie Nelson

  • Wolfgang A. Mozart

  • Yusuf / Cat Stevens

Sciences & technology

  • Alan Turing

  • Albert Einstein

  • Apollo 11

  • Artificial Intelligence

  • Astronomy

  • Black Death

  • Charles Darwin

  • Computing

  • COVID-19 pandemic

  • Epidemics in France

  • Galileo Galilei

  • Great Plague of Marseille

  • Gutenberg & the printing rev.

  • History of chemistry

  • History of mathematics

  • History of writing


  • Internet

  • Isaac Newton

  • Konrad Lorenz

  • Louis Pasteur

  • Maps & cartography

  • Measuring time

  • Nicolaus Copernicus

  • Nobel Prizes

  • Nobel Prizes in Physics

  • Nuclear energy

  • Pandemics & epidemies

  • Photography

  • Robert Oppenheimer

  • Scientific discoveries

  • Scientific revolution

  • Space exploration

  • Stephen Hawking

  • Thomas Edison

  • Trains

Economy & business

  • 1973 oil crisis

  • Alfa Romeo

  • Amazon

  • Apple

  • Bill Gates

  • BMW

  • Brands

  • Canuts history

  • Cars

  • Chanel

  • Christian Dior

  • Coca Cola

  • eBay

  • Elon Musk

  • Exhibitions and World’s Fairs

  • Facebook

  • Famines & starvations

  • Ferrari

  • Fiat

  • Ford

  • General Motors

  • Globalization

  • Google

  • Hewlett-Packard

  • History of advertising

  • History of aviation

  • History of coal

  • History of Copper

  • History of Cotton

  • History of Gas

  • History of Gold

  • History of iron

  • History of Oil industry

  • History of rice

  • History of Salt

  • History of Silk

  • History of wheat

  • Honda

  • IBM

  • Iconic objects

  • Industrial Revolution

  • Innovations

  • Intel

  • Kodak

  • Labor history

  • Levi Strauss & Co.

  • McDonald's

  • Mercedes-Benz

  • Microsoft

  • Newspapers

  • Nike

  • Nobel Prize, Economic Sc.

  • Oracle

  • Panasonic

  • Porsche

  • Renault

  • Rolls-Royce

  • Samsung

  • Ships

  • Smartphones

  • Sony

  • SpaceX

  • Startup companies

  • Steve Jobs

  • Tesla

  • The Great Depression

  • The New Deal

  • Toyota

  • Twitter

  • Volkswagen

  • Yves Saint Laurent


  • 1970 World Cup

  • A.C. Milan

  • America's Cup

  • American football

  • Andre Agassi

  • Arsenal FC

  • Athletics

  • Babe Ruth

  • Ballons d'Or

  • Baseball

  • Basketball

  • Bayern Munich

  • Billie Jean King

  • Björn Borg

  • Boston Celtics

  • Boxing

  • Carl Lewis

  • Charles Lindbergh

  • Chelsea F.C.

  • Chicago Bulls

  • Chris Evert

  • Cristiano Ronaldo

  • Cycle sport

  • Diego Maradona

  • Expeditions

  • FC Barcelona

  • FIFA World Cup

  • Football (Soccer)

  • Formula One

  • French Open

  • Golden State Warriors

  • Golf

  • Greatest Soccer Matches

  • History of surfing

  • Inter Milan

  • Ivan Lendl

  • Jack Johnson

  • Jackie Robinson

  • Jake LaMotta

  • Jesse Owens

  • Jimmy Connors

  • Joe Montana

  • Johan Cruyff

  • John McEnroe

  • Juventus F.C.

  • LeBron James

  • Lionel Messi

  • Liverpool FC

  • Los Angeles Lakers

  • Magic Johnson

  • Manchester City

  • Manchester United

  • Martina Navratilova

  • Michael Jordan

  • Michael Phelps

  • Michel Platini

  • Mike Tyson

  • Muhammad Ali

  • NBA History

  • New England Patriots

  • Novak Djokovic

  • Olympic games

  • Olympique de Marseille

  • Paris Saint-Germain

  • Pelé

  • Pete Sampras

  • RC de Strasbourg Alsace

  • Rafael Nadal

  • Real Madrid

  • Rocky Marciano

  • Rod Laver

  • Roger Federer

  • Rugby

  • Rugby Club Toulonnais

  • Sailing

  • San Francisco Giants

  • Serena Williams

  • Skiing

  • Steffi Graf

  • Sugar Ray Robinson

  • Super Bowl

  • Swimming

  • Tennis

  • Tennis US Open

  • The 49ers

  • Tiger Woods

  • Tom Brady

  • Tour de France

  • UEFA Champions League

  • UEFA European Championship

  • Wimbledon

  • Zinedine Zidane

Society, nature & leasures

  • Abortion debate

  • Asterix

  • Boomers

  • Climate change

  • Comic book

  • Counterculture in the 60s

  • DC Comics

  • Death penalty

  • Fashion History

  • Food history

  • Great disasters

  • Great fires in History

  • Hergé

  • History of Chess

  • History of Dance

  • History of games

  • History of propaganda

  • Hugo Pratt

  • Manga

  • Marvel Comics

  • Prisons and penal colony

  • Pulitzer Prizes

  • Rolling Stone Magazine

  • Time Magazine

  • Toys

  • TV series

  • Video games

  • Women's history


  • 14th Dalai Lama

  • Arab-Islamic History

  • Buddhism

  • Christianity

  • Hinduism

  • History of popes

  • John Calvin

  • Judaism & jews

  • Latin Christianity in the Middle Ages

  • Martin Luther

  • Modern Jewish History

  • Orthodox Church

  • Pope John Paul II

  • Shinto

  • Society of Jesus

  • The Reformation


  • Aliveness / Joy

  • Connexion / Love

  • Courage / Power

  • Despair / Sadness

  • Fear

  • Gratefulness / Gratitude

  • Guilt

  • Helpless

  • Nostalgia

  • Stress / Tension

  • Tenderness

  • Unsettled state / Doubt